Louisiana Redfish Series Blog

Captains Corner

Louisiana Redfish Series Tournament 2022

 Promoting and fund raising for conservation and charities, we are a redfish tournament for the everyday working angler! Low entry fee! No entry fee to attract future generations! Fair rules to be a beacon for the true angler sportsman. This redfish tournament is for the everyday working angler and features a low entry fee. We strive to attract anglers whose ideals are to be a beacon for the true sportsman, and we aim to attract future generations by allowing youth to fish for free.

Every angler has a shot taking home a paycheck by weighing the two heaviest, live redfish within the Louisiana slot limit. We are excited to support and promote causes such as Wish ToFish Louisiana, Dose of the Coast, and the Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Association. These organizations promote our youth anglers, our coastal elders, and the protection of our coastline.

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